
Once your job is submitted, you have the ability to stop the job. This will kill the job on the system on which it is running.

You can kill a job with the following CLI command:

tapis jobs cancel $JOB_UUID
Show curl
curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -X POST -d "action=kill"$JOB_ID

Show json response
"id" : "$JOB_ID",
"name" : "demo-pyplot-demo-advanced test-1414139896",
"owner" : "$API_USERNAME",
"appId" : "demo-pyplot-demo-advanced-0.1.0",
"executionSystem" : "$PUBLIC_EXECUTION_SYSTEM",
"batchQueue" : "debug",
"nodeCount" : 1,
"processorsPerNode" : 1,
"memoryPerNode" : 1.0,
"maxRunTime" : "01:00:00",
"archive" : false,
"retries" : 0,
"localId" : "10321",
"outputPath" : null,
"status" : "STOPPED",
"submitTime" : "2014-10-24T04:48:11.000-05:00",
"startTime" : "2014-10-24T04:48:08.000-05:00",
"endTime" : null,
"inputs" : {
  "dataset" : "agave://$PUBLIC_STORAGE_SYSTEM/$API_USERNAME/inputs/pyplot/testdata.csv"
"parameters" : {
  "chartType" : "bar",
  "height" : "512",
  "showLegend" : "false",
  "xlabel" : "Time",
  "background" : "#FFF",
  "width" : "1024",
  "showXLabel" : "true",
  "separateCharts" : "false",
  "unpackInputs" : "false",
  "ylabel" : "Magnitude",
  "showYLabel" : "true"
"_links" : {
  "self" : {
    "href" : ""
  "app" : {
    "href" : ""
  "executionSystem" : {
  "archiveData" : {
    "href" : ""
  "owner" : {
    "href" : "$API_USERNAME"
  "permissions" : {
    "href" : ""
  "history" : {
    "href" : ""
  "metadata" : {
    "href" : "{"associationIds":"0001414144065563-5056a550b8-0001-007"}"
  "notifications" : {
    "href" : ""

Deleting a job

Over time the number of jobs you have run can grow rather large. You can delete jobs to remove them from your listing results, with the following CLI command:

curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -X DELETE$JOB_ID

warning:Deleting a job will hide it from view, not permanently delete the record.

Resubmitting a job

Often times you will want to rerun a previous job as part of a pipeline, automation, or validation that the results were valid. In this situation, it is convenient to use the resubmit feature of the Jobs service.

Show curl
curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -X POST -d "action=resubmit"$JOB_ID

Resubmission provides you the options to enforce as much or as little rigor as you desire with respect to reproducibility in the job submission process. The following options are available to you for configuring a resubmission according to your requirements.

Field Type Description
ignoreInputConflicts boolean Whether to ignore discrepencies in the previous app inputs for the resubmitted job. If true, the resubmitted job will make a best fit attempt and migrating the inputs.
ignoreParameterConflicts boolean Whether to ignore discrepencies in the previous app parameters for the resubmitted job. If true, the resubmitted job will make a best fit attempt and migrating the parameters.
preserveNotifications boolean Whether to recreate the notification of the original job for the resubmitted job.