Metadata Permissions

The Metadata service supports permissions for both Metadata and Schemata consistent with that of a number of other Tapis services. If no permissions are explicitly set, only the owner of the Metadata and tenant administrators can access it.

The permissions available for Metadata and Metadata Schemata are listed in the following table. Please note that a user must have WRITE permissions to grant or revoke permissions on a metadata or schema item.

Name Description
READ User can view the resource
WRITE User can edit, but not view the resource
READ_WRITE User can manage the resource
ALL User can manage the resource
NONE User can view the resource
 You need to change the uuids and usernames to for the queries below to work.

Listing all permissions

List the permissions on Metadata for a given user
Show curl
curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Show Tapis CLI
tapis meta pems show -v\
6877878304112316906-242ac116-0001-012 sgopal

The response will look something like the following:
Show json response
  "username": "sgopal",
  "permission": {
    "read": true,
    "write": true
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "parent": {
      "href": ""
    "profile": {
      "href": ""

To list all permissions for a metadata item, make a GET request on the metadata item’s permission collection

List permissions for a specific user

List the permissions on Metadata for a given user
Show curl
curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Show Tapis CLI
tapis meta pems show -v\
6877878304112316906-242ac116-0001-012 sgopal

The response will look something like the following:
Show json response

Checking permissions for a single user is simply a matter of adding the username of the user in question to the end of the metadata permission collection.

Grant permissions

Grant read access to a metadata item
Show curl
curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -X POST
    --data '{"permission":"READ"}'

Show Tapis CLI
tapis meta pems grant -v 6877878304112316906-242ac116-0001-012 rclemens READ

Grant read and write access to a metadata item
Show curl
curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -X POST
    --data '{"permission":"READ_WRITE"}'

Show Tapis CLI
tapis meta pems grant -v 6877878304112316906-242ac116-0001-012 rclemens READ_WRITE

The response will look something like the following:
Show json response
  "username": "rclemens",
  "permission": {
    "read": true,
    "write": true
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "parent": {
      "href": ""
    "profile": {
      "href": ""

To grant another user read access to your metadata item, assign them READ permission. To enable another user to update a metadata item, grant them READ_WRITE or ALL access.

Delete single user permissions

Delete permission for single user on a Metadata item
Show curl
curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Show Tapis CLI
tapis meta pems revoke 6877878304112316906-242ac116-0001-012 rclemens

An empty response will come back from the API.

Permissions may be deleted for a single user by making a DELETE request on the metadata user permission resource. This will immediately revoke all permissions to the metadata item for that user.

 Please note that ownership cannot be revoked or reassigned. The user who created the metadata item will always have ownership of that item.

Deleting all permissions

Delete all permissions on a Metadata item
Show curl
curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Show Tapis CLI
tapis meta pems drop 6877878304112316906-242ac116-0001-012

An empty response will be returned from the service.

Permissions may be deleted for a single user by making a DELETE request on the metadata resource permission collection.

warning:The above operation will delete all permissions for a Metadata item, such that only the owner will be able to access it. Use with care.